Busby Ohio Reception!

Kait & Greg were married in Jamaica right on the beach with amazing sunshine, ocean waves and close family and friends to celebrate. Unfortunately, I was not able to travel with them or capture their special day – but once it was time to get together here in Ohio, I was thankful I was the one they called! While ocean side photos I am sure were  much warmer than the snow filled ones we had here in Ohio, it was a great time capturing memories with them!

We traveled to Glamorgan Castle in Alliance which is actually used as part of the school system but it appears the grounds are opened to anyone. (just no going inside) I highly recommend taking the drive to Alliance for weddings/bridal parties/engagement shoots when in the Akron or Canton area. The castle is stunning up close or a-far and offers many different options for photos. There are enough open areas for larger parties, and not all of the photos have to be taken right along the castle so it offers more than just the stone/marble backgrounds.

Back to Kait & Greg – Kait brought along a “Mr. & Mrs” burlap banner she had made & they both sported bee pins either on the tie or the dress to honor the “Busby” name! Things like this make my heart so happy, I am a sucker for the details like that!  Kait’s dress with the castle made me feel like I was in The Great Gatsby, even more of the reason why this location worked so well for these two.

The reception was held at Lake Cable in Canton, OH which was decorated beautifully by the groom’s sister. (I even heard Greg helped!)  A slide show was made of their time spent in Jamaica to share with those who couldn’t make the trip. The beach glass and sea shells on the tables made everyone feel like they were there with them, a very nice touch I thought to bring Jamaica back to Ohio! 🙂 The night was filled with dancing and laughter, everyone very happy to celebrate the newly weds and lift them up!


Thank you Kait & Greg for allowing me to be apart of your day, I always am honored when clients (friends) stick around with me! 🙂 I wish you two an incredibly love and the happiest of days together!

Fike Wedding

Yesterday my best friend from high school married the man of her dreams… while it was difficult to accept my role at this wedding, at the end of the day I really was glad to be behind my lens.  This girl holds a very special place in my heart… “I’m most sensitive to your friendship” is how she described it once and she couldn’t have been more accurate.   From reading her testimony at her baptism to learning how to put air in a car tire this girl and I have been through it all. Torrey Furr, I am so happy for you. I pray that you and Taylor have a fantastic marriage and even better love. You have shared with me the most truest friendship I have ever known and taught me so much along the way. Congratulations to you and Taylor. I love you both and wish you a lifetime of happiness.  Thank you so much for allowing me to save all the precious little memories of your wedding day.  

1/2 way mark!

Its been a little over a week and I’ve made it through half of the Church Wedding pictures.  I am so pleased with how they are turning out, and I can’t wait to finish them up so the bride and groom can see them!  I love the picture of Ashley’s father giving here away, it is one of my favorite moments at every wedding.

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Church Wedding

The new Nathan and Ashley Church were married today and I had the honor of being their photographer…. so here is a quick look at the next set of beautiful people I will be posting on the blog!  These two have been together for 12 years, so this day was a long time coming.  I also did their engagement photos that are posted on here as well!  They fit each other perfectly and Ashley made a stunning bride.  Their fall colors were perfect for the awesome October we have been having, Ohio finally did something right with its bipolar weather!  More will be posted later so I can share a little of their special day with everyone.  Nate and Ashley, I hope today was everything you expected and wanted, congratulations and thank you for allowing me to be a part of your wedding day!

Mr. and Mrs. Runco !

Friday night I had the pleasure of attending Mark and Danielle Runco’s wedding.  (my boyfriend’s sister and now husband!)  I didn’t work this wedding, only attended, and am very excited to see the photographers work.  The two were married in a beautiful catholic church, so I know the pictures turned out amazing.  Dani looked absolutely stunning on the big day, and the black and white photograph of her that I posted doesn’t even do justice to how she looked in person.  The love these two share is visible to everyone who sees them and because of that, being able to attend their wedding was truly something special.  Here are a few that I was able to snap before the ceremony and then once we all arrived at the church.  My boyfriend, Frankie, gave Dani away and even though he will kill me for saying this on the internet, he told me he teared up when it was time to hug her and hand her over to Mark.  The picture I got of this is my favorite of the day.  Congratulations Mark and Dani, I can’t wait to see what is in store for the two of you.

Jolley Wedding

I had the pleasure of helping my best friend out at a wedding of hers for Michael and Jen Jolley!  It was as beautiful ceremony in a very simple, elegant church.  It was a very long day, but I was able to get some amazing shots.  Here are just a few of ones from before and during the ceremony!  I will be posting more, including  some from the reception, at a later time ! 🙂