I need your help!

I have made so much progress in getting my photography business and name out there; through senior pictures, family portraits, and weddings I have been blessed with awesome opportunities!  Since I started this blog the views, comments, and likes I have gotten have been nothing but encouraging, and I thank everyone who takes the time to look at my work. Knowing people are pleased with what I am doing is the best feeling and the feedback you give me I take to heart.  What I need your help with is spreading the word of Dakota Renee Photography even more!  Share the link, tell your friends, ask me for business cards, or anything you think would be helping!  There is so much more I want to do, and so many goals I have for me and photography.  To get there, word-of-mouth is going to be vital!  I would absolutely love and appreciate any help that would be extended my way.  Everyone has been awesome so far so lets keep up the good work!  You guys have helped me so much!

Dakota !