Family Time

I love when I get to go home and spend time with my nieces!  Two of them have April birthdays, so natural they have to share their party date…which they love so much!! (total sarcasm)  Whenever everyone is all together of course the photographer aunt needs to snap some shots!  Yesterday was a a busy day for my camera 🙂

First Newborn Shoot! :)

My family welcomed a new baby into the world 12 days ago, and I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to take baby Alex’s newborn photographs!  While every photographer wishes for the little one to fall asleep, Alex was awake and alert almost the whole time…he wanted to show off those blue eyes of his!  For me personally, it has probably been 2 years since I have seen a newborn baby and the amazement of how small and beautiful they are never fades even after being an aunt several times over.

Alex made the day a lot of fun, and his parents, Mark and Shelly, had the cutest little hats for him to wear that were made by Shelly’s aunt.  Here are just a few quick photos I am posting before I switch gears to school work 😦 (yuck!!) More will be updated as I work through the whole session.  But thank you St. Clair family for allowing me this opportunity!