25 years later…

  This weekend Mike and Becky Kosir’s family and closest friends all gathered together to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary at Manakiki golf course.  The whole thing was a huge surprise for these two, and upon arriving at the party they were completely stunned to see everyone there!  They had been told they would be attending a charity dinner hosted by the Cleveland Clinic and Relmec, and when Becky first saw children through the entry way…lets just say she was so confused she didn’t register they were here own children! 🙂 There were tears of happiness and shock and hugs were given all around to this amazing couple.  As their son had said while giving a toast, if they can survive raising him and his three other siblings they clearly have a one of a kind love.

The venue was absolutely stunning and made my job very very easy.  I am sure I will be posting more, but here are just a few for the time being!

so precious :)

Hanging out in Euclid with my boyfriend, and his neighbors have two little boys who are thee cutest things in the world.  In their back yard in a golf course, which always makes for gorgeous pictures!  After dinner tonight we headed on over and let them mess around with their little clubs.  These are some of the shots I got to snap of them!  2 and 3 year olds don’t hold still for very long…especially boys so it was the quite the challenge!!

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